Looking for a place to stay temporarily?
Searching for an apartment or a house to rent can sometimes be difficult and can add extra stress. ESPECIALLY for out of towners that aren’t originally from here and aren’t too familiar with the area.
We can help you with that! Real Estate agents also help individuals with temporary living arrangements such as looking for a year or more lease until they are ready to purchase a home.
If you are looking for a residence in the area but not quite ready to purchase a home yet, this would be a great option. Reach out to us by phone (980-333-7119) or email (Alexis@AlexisVinique.com) with the subject “Rent A Home” and we will be in contact with you within the next 24 hours.
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Take a look at the listings below that includes Charlotte and surrounding areas. For a more advanced search, click on the “Property Search” on the right of the page to narrow down your search.